
August 16, 2007

Taking Care of Braces

Its been almost two weeks since I had my braces. I'm still getting used to it. There are few things that must keep in mind, when you have braces. I've listed some of the things to avoid during the treatment.

Ice: Can break your braces
Pizza Crust: Bends the wires
Corn Chips/Pretzels: Bends wires and loosens brackets.
Sticky Lollies/Candy/Bubblegum: Pulls off wires and can cause decay (unless sugarfree).
Nuts/Popcorn: The shells get caught between the gum and bands.
Corn On The Cob: Cut the corn off the cob before eating to avoid damage to braces.
Apples/Carrots: (and other hard vegetables/fruit) Cut up before eating.

It is also important to take good care of it.

* Brush after each meal and snack.
* Clean between your teeth and around each bracket daily.
* Take time to brush THOROUGHLY
* Floss with a floss threader

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